Coming Soon: BCU Summer Vibe 2024

More Interviews & Distinguished Guests

Amazing discussions with industry leaders and up and coming talent.

Open Submissions for Panels

Let your voice be heard!  Apply for an opportunity to present your unique panel discussion. Space limited.

Exclusive Merch & Prizes

Register for Exclusive Merch and Prizes presented hourly throughout the virtual event.


Knowledge Base

Explore our archive of articles, videos and multi-media dedicated to Historic Black Comics and their phenomenal creators.

Guide to Black Comic Book Collecting

Check out the Black Comic Universe’s Beginner’s Guide to Black Comic Book Collecting.   A detailed introduction of 12 books to launch your comic book collecting journey.

Torchy to Teen Titans: Black Women in Comics (1937-2016)

This historic timeline begins with Jackie Ormes, first Black woman cartoonist in 1937, and ends with the debut of Nilah Macgruder as the first Black woman to write for Marvel in 2016.

Database: Black Comic Book Keys

Explore this database of Black comic books that are historically significant to The Culture and maintain high market value in the collector's market.

Support Black-Owned Media

By supporting the Black Comix Universe, you help us raise our collective voices and continue to tell compelling stories.  Thanks in advance for your contribution.