BCU Live
BCU Live is a weekly podcast celebrating Black Excellence in Comics; featuring the industry’s leading Black voices and Indie creators on the verge.
Face Off: Bronze Faces Issue 1 Review
Bronze Faces #1 Written Shobo and Shof Coker, Illustrated by Alexandre Tefenkgi (Boom Studios, February 2025) Synopsis Soho, London. Childhood friends Timi, Sango, and Gbonka reunite on the eve of the British Museum's historic purchase of the works of Timi's father,...
Black History Month Milestones: 10 Frequently Asked Questions for Black Comic Book Collectors
Black History Month Milestones: 10 Frequently Asked Questions for Black Comic Book Collectors For Black comic book collectors, understanding the history of our representation in this medium is more than just a hobby; it's a reclamation of our narrative. From...
The Cookout: Sam Wilson, Captain America 1 Critique
Sam Wilson: Captain America 1 Written by Greg Pak and Evan Narcisse, Art by Eder Messias w/ Valentine De Landro (Marvel, January 2025) Synopsis When Captain America attends a birthday party for Isaiah Bradley, he catches wind of a new tech venture that sounds too...
Dark Legacy: Black Characters, Comics in the Horror Genre
History of Black characters, comics and creators in horror The following presentation was compiled by my good friend Marcus Roberts of Second Sight Publishing/Media. As a comic book publisher that specializes in the macabre, he is well versed in the history and lore...
Battle Scars: Hotshot Issue 12 Critique
Hotshot: Unforgiven Part 3, Issue 12 Written and illustrated by Michael Watson, Colored by Veronica Smith, Inked by Laurie Foster, Edited by Danny Cooper, Creative consult by Víctor Dandridge. Synopsis Hotshot confronts his trauma in a gut-wrenching, emotionally...
And the Award Goes To; A List of Black Eisner Award Winners (1988-Present)
Black Eisner Award Winners (1988-Present) The following list compiles all of the Black Will Eisner Award Winners; creators of African decent, including creators of mixed heritage and members of the Black Diaspora, since its inception in 1988. The Will Eisner Comic...
Dennis Cowan the Graphic Samurai arrives soon to Kickstarter
Graphic Samurai: The Art of Denys Cowan is the first comprehensive celebration of the work of this groundbreaking comic book artist. Batman, The Question, Black Panther, and Deathlok are just a few of the iconic characters that he’s put his stamp on
So Fresh and So Clean: Point of Authority 3 Critique
Point of Authority: Family Ties #3 Written by Victor Dandridge, Illustrated by Adam Fields, Colored by Kevin Anthony De Castro (Vantage Inhouse Publishing, 2022) Synopsis Something dark has awakened in Jameson Jackson. Now the world and his family are preparing for...
Coming Back Strong: Stronghold 1-3 Kickstarter Launch
Award-winning creative team comes back STRONG! A death in the family takes Superhero Damian Strong, AKA Stronghold, back to his roots and the ghosts of his past… Now live on Kickstarter, ONENATION: STRONGHOLD, issues #1-3, co-created by Glyph award-winning writers...
Fear of a Black Comic: Space Negro Issue 1 Critique
Space Negro: The Last Negro Written and drawn by Jared Sams, Colors by Daniel Morales, Mohammed Agbadi Synopsis A million years in the future and a brutha still can't catch a break! With issue #01 of Space Negro Supernova Watkins, finds himself in a situation that...