Comic Book Reviews
In depth critical reviews of comic books, graphic novels and more.
You’ve Been Chopped: Lumberjax #1-2 Critique
Lumberjax has really good bones: solid character designs, a great concept and it’s funny to boot. Oh, and the artwork by Guida – chef’s kiss! All the ingredients for a cult classic in the making.
Picking up my feelings: Hotshot #10 Critique
The idea of a superhero possibly using his/her powers to stop abuse in their home has locked me in as a reader. Just imagine if Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben abused Aunt May!? What kind of hero would he have become?
A New Era of Black Excellence in Comics
I wish I had Jay-Z’s foresight to make this proclamation 12 months ago. If so, I would have warned all of my indie comics friends to, “flood the streets with content ‘cause Shobo Coker and Juni Ba are coming!”