All-Negro Comics 1 (1947)

All-Negro Comics 1 (1947)

All-Negro Comics #1 (1947) Anthology published by Orrin C. Evans; Various artists (All-Negro Comics, 1947) Ace Harlem (crime story by John Terrell), Dew Dillies (humor by Cooper), Lion Man (jungle story by Geo. J. Evans Jr.), and Sugarfoot (adventure story by Cravat)....
Negro Romance #2 (1950)

Negro Romance #2 (1950)

Negro Romance #2 Various writers and artists.  Alvin C. Hollingworth is the most prominent artist of note. (Fawcett Publishing, 1950) Synopsis One of the first comics created by African-American artists for an African-American readership. Photo cover.  This is an...
Phantom Lady #17 illustrated by Matt Baker

Phantom Lady #17 illustrated by Matt Baker

Phantom Lady #17 Illustrated by Clarence Matthew Baker(Matt Baker) Writers Arthur Peddy Artists Matt Baker Era Golden Age Publisher Fox Feature Syndicate   Publication Date 1947 I know you all have come across one of those “I was today year’s old”...