Ultimate Fallout #4

Written by Brian Michael Bendis, Art by Sara Pichelli, Cover by Mark Bagley (Marvel Comics, 2011)


The epic conclusion of the Ultimate Marvel universe introduces an “All-New, All-Different” Spider-Man.  New suit, new powers, NEW RACE!  The first full appearance of Miles Morales.


Ultimate Fallout #4 is one of the most valuable Black Comic Keys of the modern era.  A recent sale of a CGC 9.8 was $2,106.00.  Just 6 months ago it sold for as high as $4,000.  Values have picked up some with the latest Enter the Spiderverse trailer.  For more insight into the volatility surrounding this book, check out this recent Comic Tom 101 video.

We Wear the Mask

Miles Morales is introduced on the cover of this book like most of our heroes have been historically introduced —- with his face and ETHNICITY hidden from the reader.  Until, of course, they open the book and discover the latest Spider-man is Black.  I discuss this phenomenon in detail in this video. 

The Bendis Effect

The creator and writer Brian Michael Bendis has introduced several Black characters that have become very popular. He’s also created RiRi Williams aka Ironheart for Marvel and Naomi for DC (co-created by David Walker).

I always have mixed feelings about popular Black comic characters that aren’t created by Black creators because there is no way to explain the difference in popularity other than the fact that they were created by someone white.  What do you guys think?

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