Silver Surfer #5

Written by Stan Lee. Art by John Buscema and Sal Buscema.  (Marvel Comics,1968)


“…And Who Shall Mourn for Him?!” Cameos by the Fantastic Four and the X-Men.  The Silver Surfer encounters a being of unimaginable cosmic power. Can even the Sentinel of the Spaceways hope to defeat the enigmatic Stranger? Meanwhile, for the fate of many innocent lives, one man will make the ultimate sacrifice. Includes the Watcher back-up “Run, Roco, Run!” Story by Stan Lee. Art by Howard Purcell and John Tartaglione. Letter to the editor from Wendy Pini (Fletcher) of Elfquest fame. (via


Silver Surfer #5 has been in the news with the announcement that Marvel will be releasing a new Silver Surfer titled “Silver Surfer: Ghost Light” (Written by John Jennings, Art by Valentine De Landro).  

Ghost Light centers around a Black man by the name of Alvin Bernard Harper.  A scientist who aids the Silver Surfer in escaping the Earth in 1968 by inventing a device that will defeat the mysterious barrier that is imprisoning the Surfer on our planet.

Harper first appears in Silver Surfer #5 (1968) in what is considered to be a “Happy Days” issue.  Referenced in an article by Alter Ego magazine (Issue 173), a Happy Days comic book is one that introduces a new Black character only for that singular issue.  Harper in SS#5 is introduced to readers and subsequently martyrs himself in order to save the planet earth from the Stranger.  To honor this man, the Surfer memorializes him with an eternal cosmic flame as a tombstone. Thus the title “…And Who Shall Mourn for Him.”

In “Silver Surfer: Ghost Light”, Al Harper is resurrected 54 years later with mysterious “nano-cloud” powers.

I highly recommend grabbing a copy of this key book for the following reasons: 

1.) This new Silver Surfer title is in very capable hands.  John Jennings is a Nebula Award and Eisner Award winning author and artist.  There is a very good chance this book will gain popularity thereby raising the value of Silver Surfer #5.  

2.) News of this title is still fresh and copies of this book can still be found for under $100. 

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