Meteor Man One-shot
Movie adaptation of Robert Townsend’s Meteor Man Film
Dwight Coye
Robert Walker, John Holdredge
Publication Date
Robert Townsend’s Meteor Man has been adapted into a 64-page comic book. This adaptation is followed by Meteor Man (1993) #1-6. Untitled story, script by Dwight Coye, pencils by Robert Walker, inks by Jon Holdredge; A meteor gives Jefferson Reed superpowers and he uses them to stop gang violence in Washington, D.C.
Special shout out to Hershel Lewis of Black Comic Lords who got me interested in this book months ago and who I hold solely responsible for the FOMO I personally carry for this book. He’s had a gut feeling about this comic for a while and I think his hunch is about to pay off.
I was afraid I wasn’t going to get my hands on this book before something crazy happened. Something like a Disney Plus announcement out of nowhere (nothing yet but I got a feeling) or an off the wall reference to characters from the movie in a Superbowl halftime performance.
Did y’all catch it? Kendrik Lamar performs his song “Alright” surrounded by dancers who looked like they were cosplaying as the Golden Lords from the Meteor Man movie. That may be a reach but it was enough of a connection to create buzz on Twitter.
Dre Day. @KendrickLamar @DrDre #PepsiHalftime pic.twitter.com/W9tFZfSRsf
— NFL (@NFL) February 14, 2022
Kendrick Lamar brought out the golden Lords from the movie meteor man 🤣 #SuperBowl #HalfTimeShow 😹 pic.twitter.com/8ZUtJHK9oW
— RED (@RedMoonbow) February 14, 2022
Copies of this book are hard to find in the wild but I found a few on ebay. All still reasonably priced. But I’d hurry because I think prices will go up if and when buzz increases.
Meteor Man Synopsis via Mycomicshop.com