Point of Authority: Family Ties #2
Written by Victor Dandridge, Illustrated by Adam Fields, Colored by Kevin Anthony De Castro (Vantage Inhouse Publishing, 2022)
First of all – Victor Dandridge sent me issue 2 of Point of Authority just months after releasing issue 1. As an indie publisher he deserves a round of applause just for that!
POA #2 continues the story of the infamous Golden Guardian aka Jameson Jackson. And my general opinion still stands: Point of Authority is a well executed noir story with amazing potential.

Emotional Rollercoaster
Victor is very adept at creating intense emotional scenes between characters. In POA #2, he cranks up the tension a few notches. Now everyone is worried sick about Grandpa Jameson and what he’s about to do with that gold mace of his.
The mace actually belonged to his brother. Don’t worry, the Jameson family drama and the legacy of the Gold Mace is layed out beautifully by Fields and De Castro in sepia-toned flashbacks that take up most of the book’s storyline.

Lewd and Squishy
In spite of all of the tension and hand wringing, POA 2 is still a slow burn like issue 1. Which brings me to the most glaring critique of the book – pacing.
If you want to know how pacing works in super hero storytelling, simply watch The Boys on Amazon Prime.
There you’ll see lewd sex scenes and explosive, squishy violence the first 2-3 episodes then it tapers off into more intense, dramatic plots by episode 4.
That’s pacing. And it’s the type of pacing I wish was in POA.
I’m not asking for lewd sex and squishy violence (although a little wouldn’t hurt) but I do wish the story led with more mace smashing action in issues one and two and save some of the emotional beats for issue three or somewhere there abouts.
But it’s all good though. By the looks of the final panel, I suspect Victor will make it worth the wait in issue 3.