hotshot freestyle komics issue 12

Hotshot: Unforgiven Part 3, Issue 12

Written and illustrated by Michael Watson, Colored by Veronica Smith, Inked by Laurie Foster,  Edited by Danny Cooper, Creative consult by Víctor Dandridge.


Hotshot confronts his trauma in a gut-wrenching, emotionally charged confrontation with his physically abusive father.

The Hero’s Journey

As a comic book enthusiast, I’m always on the hunt for defining moments in a character’s journey. These are the pivotal events that shape a hero’s identity and leave a lasting impression on readers. 

It’s rare for my friends in the indie comic book world to create such moments for their characters.  But when they do, the moment shines like a beacon of light.

Hotshot #12, the third part of the “Unforgiven” arc by Michael Watson, is a shining example of such a defining moment.


Battling Demons

I’ve anxiously awaited this book since my critique of issues 10-11 TWO YEARS AGO.  In those issues Michael alludes to the fact that our hero has an extremely traumatic backstory that is beginning to resurface.

In issue 12, Hotshot confronts this trauma head on in a gut-wrenching, emotionally charged confrontation with his physically abusive father.

In my last review I all but demanded to see what a superhero would do when they have to face unspeakable evils in their own home.  Michael responded with a story so visceral that it left me thunderstruck once I reached the last panel.

I’m resisting the urge to spoil anything from this book.  I want folks to experience every single panel of this comic book on a deeply personal level.

I assure you, Mike and his loyal family of colorists, editors and creative directors handled Mike’s story with amazing care and attention to detail.

However, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the 12-panel layout on page 20, where Mike’s mother, Tammy, recounts their shared history of abuse. This powerful scene is juxtaposed with Mike’s physical fight with his father, creating a deeply moving and impactful narrative.

My only negative critique is the story does hinge upon a major detail only diehard Hotshot fans may understand.  So I encourage you all to familiarize yourself with issues 1-9 before this book is released. 

That aside, I guarantee that you will be captivated by this comic book from the opening splash page; the only art I care to share.


Download our FREE Beginner's Guide to Black Comic Book Collecting

In this beginner’s guide I have showcased 13 of the most important Black comics of the 1990’s.    Also included in this guide is a Collector’s Checklist that presents even more Black comics published during the 90’s.

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